Friday, November 30, 2007

She's Walking

She's been practicing for awhile but she's finally walking consistently now. She still crawls a little if she falls or if she's really tired but it's walking most of the time for this chica now. She's loving it. I'm glad too because she really did not like crawling on the tile floors.


Fabiane Snell said...

That is awsome!! She is sooo cute! I really can't believe how fast they grow up!!Please give her my hugs!! many hugs!!! fabi.

Whitney said...

Thanks for putting this up here. I love it! Can't wait to see you guys. Only a few weeks longer.

Janalyn said...

How fun, she's actually getting into things. You can tell it's all new to her- she loves just the simple thing of pushing some boxes around on a shelf!
Good timing too, now she can walk down to the dugout with her brothers and sister.