Friday, August 15, 2008

A Super Safe and Natural Appetite Suppresant

Fitness Friday!!

It burns fat, fends off disease, strengthens our bones, and improves our mood -- and now studies suggest it may even suppress our appetites. What's this miracle of modern medicine? Actually, it's pretty old-school. It's exercise. Although the jury's still out, new research suggests it may inhibit people’s munching.

Overweight people in a study actually ate less and dropped some body fat after 3 months of regular workouts on either a treadmill or a bicycle.

Researchers suspect there may be something chemical about exercise that helps increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a blood protein known to curb appetite. The higher the BDNF, the fewer calories the study participants consumed, and the more weight they lost.

Just another excuse to workout!


Janalyn said...


Rebecca Irvine said...

This works for me. Mornings that I exercise I eat less and am less hungry. Or at least my brain is occupied and not thinking about my stomach.