Tuesday, January 13, 2009

She's a HE!!!

7am the alarm goes off. I get Alexandria up and tell her to start getting dressed. All of a sudden we hear this awful noise. It sounds like a cat is dying and wailing at the top of it's lungs. The dogs in the neighborhood start to go crazy and the animal cries again. I already know what's happened. I've had my suspicions but from what I read online you should never assume until you hear it. I pull a sweatshirt on and find some shoes. Alexandria comes running in my room, a little scared. "Mommy, did you hear the noise? It sounds like a bad person outside!"

"No," I let her know, "we have a ROOSTER!" Oh yea one of our chickens, that when it was born was supposed to be sexed by a professional sexer that has a 98% success rate to make sure that it is an egg layer, turned out to be a crower. Little "Roxy" as the kids so lovingly named her, is now "ROCKY". His first little crow although loud was really not pretty. Our neighbors are going to love us. A live alarm clock. Unfortunately, this alarm clock will be going back to the feed store unless, any of you know someone who would like a free rooster. And I think I'll be going to bed early tonight just in case he decides to make his alarm go off earlier than my digital alarm.


Lisa said...

I'm sorry for laughing but that is hilarious!! I do admit I hate the cock a doodle doo's that early in the morning... Our neighbors have one in there back yard that can be pretty annoying.. But it looks like your kids love it?

Shanell said...

Love the picture of Rocky with little man. That is a cute picture. Your camera is great! I don't know what I would do!?! Have fun with that.

Misi said...

Oh man, so sorry!

Lisa Langford said...

Hillarious. Got to love chickens. I can ask around my neighborhood, but ya, most people just want the chickens, not the roosters. Although they do protect your chickens pretty well. They are not the most friendly to children. Rail got attacked by one when we first moved out here. He He