Sunday, June 28, 2009

Felicidades Papi

I'm not slacking, I swear. Okay, so maybe I am late with the Father's Day post. But in my defense, it is Father's Day in the Dominican Republic today.

So in tribute to Papi, this post is for him. When Papi is home this is what the little people in our house like to do most. Let's play ball. AJ wants to be just like him. "Papi will you play catch with us?" is the number one most asked question when Papi's around.

Plus Mommy loves Papi because . . .well . . . look at those muscles! Don't you just want to touch them? Hey! Hands off, they're mine.

We love Papi! Thank you Papi for all that you do for us.

Happy Father's Day!

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