Friday, June 25, 2010

Never Say Never

I have a confession.

You'll never guess what I did.

It could really be bad but we're in Japan so . . . I mean "when in Rome", right?

If I tell you, you can't think I'm a bad mom. Okay?

Here it goes.

I sent all of my kids to the park. . .by themselves!! Crazy, I know I said I would never do that but it wasn't so bad. In fact it rocked!

We were going to have company over later and I needed a minute to straighten up before they came so I took advantage of this honest country and sent my kids out On. Their. Own. I told them what time to come home. Alexandria watched the big park clock while she played with friends from school and it worked! My darling babies, who were much more darling after giving momma a minute to herself, were home when I told them to be. AMAZING! I felt so Japanese. We have integrated into the Japanese culture. Well, except we still speak English and we have four kids. But anyway, it was great! They had a great time! And I got stuff done. Now, please don't think I'm a bad mom. I promise everyone here does it. Besides they were watched over by angels because in my defense, we were having very special guests over and it was all for a very good cause.

See, these awesome missionaries, Elder Heaton and Elder Eyring (grandson, I know you were wondering) and investigator were our company. See, totally justifiable cause.

The Elders are teaching a Dominican investigator and we told them we would love to help them out and have him over for la bandera dominicana (Dominican cooking). We ate and partied. Then they gave us a lesson on the Plan of Salvation. The kids loved that. It must have been a little louder and kind of crazier than what the Elders are used to in Japanese homes because when they left Elder Heaton, the one on the end, left us a cute note. "Thanks for the Dominican party! Your familia is the bomb!" Aww, thanks! It's always a party at the Cesar house. Except now that I've learned I can send the kids away it may start to get a little quieter around here.


Rebecca Irvine said...

Good for you! Enjoy being able to do that while you can--with 110+ degree heat here now, you could not do it just because of the weather. Who cares about the crazies out there when dehydration is a bigger worry.

Sounds like they were cute Elders.

onehm said...

No judgements here!! That's just awesome. I'm always worried about all the weirdos and sickos to let my kids roam. Sounds like we might have to try Japan! ;)

De Ette said...

This makes me sad, because when I was young I could go to the park and all over town on my bike. (ALONE) I'm pretty sure Mom didn't have any guilt or worries while I was gone. We walked to the movies on Saturday while she sewed stuff for Christmas to surprise us. I know she got a lot done on those days. I wish we could feel that safe here. ;-( A few bad people can change a lot of things!!! I'm glad you let them go on their own. It is good for them and you!!
Looks like the missionaries had a great time. They probably loved the food. ;-) and I'm sure, the children made them home sick for their families. Love Ya