Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Break -Sunday

Trying to pack a week's worth of clothes into a little carry on bag makes it hard to pack different kinds of shoes and clothes. So we had to leave our church clothes at home but I figured we could try to make it a little bit of a Sunday by hunting down the LDS Manhattan temple. We found it just across from Lincoln Square, complete with its statue Moroni. The second floor is the temple and the third floor is a church.

AJ needed to use the bathroom so we ended up going to church in our street clothes anyway. Although we didn't stay for any meetings. ;)

We did find a yummy waffle cart right across the street that we had to try. Oh my yummy! 

New York City is a treasure chest of architectural details and we stumbled upon another beautiful building, the New York Library, the largest library in the US but we had a hard time finding any books. 

Just down the street we got to be overwhelmed by the size of the Empire State Building. 
DJ and Alexandria finally found their souvenirs. 

And the day couldn't have ended without a stop at Ray's Pizza in Times Square. 

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