Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Something's Different

Notice anything different about this family?

Look close. . . .

Closer. . . .

Really? You still can't see anything different? Okay, I'll give you a hint . . . everyone in this family is one.

Look really good . . .

Now do you see it?


Well then, I guess I'll just have to tell you.

They are all AMERICANS! Ha!

What's that? You can't tell a person's nationality just by looking at them? Hmmm . . .

Okay so I guess there really is no difference in the way we look.

But Papi took an oath that was overseen by this sweet Judge Strand, who cried during the naturalization ceremony. And we have this piece of paper in Papi's hand that make it official.

Congratulations Papi!

I don't think much will change but {smile} it will be nice to be able to stand in the same lines when we travel internationally. Ooh, and now I'll get to vote twice, once for Papi and once for me, right?

Plus, if there is a difference in the way Papi looks, he's definately HOT as an American! Don't you think?


De Ette said...

It was a great day and I love the Vote twice comment!! I had never thought about standing in separate lines. Anyway American citizenship looks good on Dionys! Love ya

Fabiane Snell said...

Awesome! Congratulations everybody! What a beautiful family!!! did Dionys think that the test was easy? Does he have any suggestion ?

Lisa said...

Congratulations Dionys!! That is awesome.

Kasey said...

Congrats! What an exciting day.

onehm said...

CONGRATS TO YOU, D!! So excited for you and your sweet family. What a great day!

Mimi said...

How great, congrats! Such a great day for you guys!