Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Going Private . . .I Hate This . . .

Sorry guys we all know how much I do not like private blogs (no offense to anyone with a private blog but it so takes the fun out of blogging) but either our stalker is back or we have a new one. Seriously, having a semi famous husband can really get in the way. ;) I'm really not happy about this but, it looks like we will be going private again. If you would like to continue to read about 4 year old boys conversations, my hot, sexy love life (see post with hubby) or if you just wish to continue viewing our blog please either leave a comment with your email address or send me an email so I can send you an invite. Once again so sorry. Hopefully this won't be a long-term thing.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dash Explains It All

So, the kids have loved racing. It's the new game since Papi's been home. AJ (aka Dash) is just a speedster so he's really liking it because he's good at it. This morning the boys had the following conversation.
DJ: Hey, AJ, will you please just slow down when we race so I can catch up to you? PLEASE??!!
AJ: I don't know. It's weird my legs just keep going and going and going.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Spring Training Papi Style

It must be that time of year again. Spring is just around the corner and all the baseball players start to get anxious to start Spring Training. Papi should be leaving next week but since he trains here at home he can usually talk the teams into letting him stay a little longer. And the boys couldn't be happier. They love "training" with Papi. (Don't look at our grass. I promise it's there we just didn't plant winter grass so in the pictures the sleeping grass looks like dirt.)Today they were helping with cone drills and throwing. They even got to bat themselves. To finish it all off Papi lined them all up and had them race from one side of the yard to the other. AJ was fast. He won every time. Alexandria didn't like that her younger brother could beat her in a race. I think we'll start calling him Dash.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Stroll Down Memory Calle

Ahh, the streeet we lived on our second year in Monterrey, Mexico. We still talk about how many cockroaches there were in that little apartment but despite those creepy crawlies we did have so much fun there. Papi had every Monday off during the season so instead of Family Home Evening we would have Family Day. There was so much to do in Monterrey and Alexandria really looked forward to Mondays.

Friday, February 6, 2009

New Home

Our chickens should be very happy now. Mom's happy too. Whenever the kids get to be too much I have a place to lock them up outside in the nice fresh air. (Kidding, kind of.)

Growing Pains

AJ loves his Star Wars costumes. He wears Obi Wan Kenobi almost all day, everyday. I've never had to wash a costume so many times. This morning I heard them talking after they had gotten dressed.

AJ: Hey DJ, if we get big we won't be able to wear our costumes anymore.

DJ: Yeah, and Darth Vader is pretty cool.

AJ: Uh-huh so lets not go to sleep anymore so we don't get big.

DJ: Yeah, not in our bed and not in Mommy and Papi's bed either.

AJ: I don't want to get big.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Hello? Anybody there?

Yes, I'm still here. Papi gets home and it seems like I have no time for anything. How does that work? I honestly have no clue how you girls with husbands home all year do it. You're amazing! There hasn't been much to blog about either. But when something comes up I'll keep you posted. In the mean time it's already Monday again so I get to add another Memory Monday.

This is Alexandria when she was 18 months. She was my little best friend. It's no secret that I'm not a big fan of kids. But Alexandria was perfect and so much fun that she made me want more kids. After she was born I got it. I finally understood why someone would want to be a mother and I've loved every minute of motherhood ever since. She's proof to me that there is a plan for us and that God is real because He worked a miracle with me through her.

**Bonus: 2nd memory, my mom's old kitchen pre-knock down-flooded-burned up-remodel in the background.