Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Lights!

Since I usually take the kids by myself to see the Christmas lights at the Mesa Temple, I like to wait until after Christmas when the crowds die down a little. This year was no different. Alexandria does not let me forget to go. She really wanted to go for Family Night. So we did. They had a great time and no one even got lost. It's such a blessing to live less than 10 minutes away.

Monday, December 29, 2008


"Why do we still have her around if THIS is what she does?" I ask myself.

I guess it's for the moments like this.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Was Santa Good to You?

I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of Christmas morning. It's all video. But Isabel got just what she wanted, a baby. AJ got his Obi Wan Kenobi costume and DJ got his Star Wars Spaceship, although Santa messed up and gave him the wrong one, big OOPS! Alexandria got a bike. And Papi got his flat screen TV.

Gingerbread House

We had so much fun putting this together. We can do things like this now in the new kitchen that used to be way too difficult to do in the old kitchen. Yea for remodeling! The next day when I woke up 1/2 the house was eaten and the frosting was licked off but I guess what good is a gingerbread house if you can't eat it?

Friday, December 19, 2008


I swore I never would again but today I gave in. Actually, my downfall began almost 2 months ago. They were there in the store calling my name and it seemed like such a good deal. Besides everywhere I looked everyone else was doing it. And it seemed like they were all enjoying them. I felt so out of place, so old. So why shouldn't I give in? Try it out. I mean is it really going to hurt me? So I succumbed and bought them but then hid them away in the closet when I got home hoping that maybe they would just go away and I would never have to deal with them. Then today came. I was in the mood for something crazy, something different from the norm and that's when it happened. I decided today would be the day when I would travel back to 1980 something. I searched through my closet to find the stashed away bag, found it and pulled out . . .

. . .the skinny jeans.

It wasn't too bad. I'm not ready for these to be an everyday thing but the change was just what I needed.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

O Christmas Tree

There is something magical about a real tree. For the past few years we've used an artificial one. It's pretty old and way past its time. This year I wasn't even looking forward to putting it up. Then I thought about a real tree and the rich smell it would bring to our home. I got all excited and I knew, this year, we had to have a real tree.

How was Mexico?

Well, here's the rundown. We got to the hotel and the kiddos were super excited to see Papi. They even helped him bring in his bags. We went to lots of baseball games and froze! I know baseball's not supposed to be played in the cold. I'm not sure why they keep playing when it's 50 degrees outside. Okay, maybe it's not freezing to some of you but to us it might as well be the North Pole.

Saturday, we had some extra time so a short visit to the mall seemed like fun. Who knew Santa would be in Mexicali that day? Oh and he spoke Spanish! Usually our kids are scared to death of Santa but for some reason in Mexico he's not as intimidating. It wasn't too bad leaving Papi since we knew that we would see him soon for Christmas. However, waiting in the immigration line for 2 HOURS to cross back into the USA, not fun. It took us 3 hours to get to Mexicali but 5 hours to get home. There's a funny story about coming home too but I'll have to save that for a face to face chat. For now we'll just say the energy drinks really got to me. ;)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Memory Monday

I loved this face. DJ would do it on a regular basis and it would always make me laugh.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

You Gotta Love This Girl

She just had her Winter Sing with the whole school and she did wonderful. She's becoming a beautiful girl.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sleep Tight



Thursday, December 11, 2008

One Tough Girl

Isabel was in bed, all washed and cleaned and ready for a good night's sleep when she started to call, "Mom hurtsme (yes to her it's all one word). Toe hurtsme. Mom!" OUCH! Yea, I'd say that hurts. I have no idea how it happened but the good thing is . . .

. . .she's still happy as can be, ready to smile at anytime for the camera. So we clipped off the nail, gave her a big kiss and fixed her toe right up. Nothing Dr. Mommy can't handle. All better!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Memory Monday

Lucky day! It was Isabel's first smile and somehow I caught it in a picture.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Laundry Done Her Way

"Mommy, wash, mommy?"


This is what I miss the most. Just 10 more days!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Memory Monday

See that big mountain behind us. My little Alexandria (three years old at the time) hiked it almost all the way to the top. She was so excited to go on a hike with her mom, grandma, soon to be aunt and uncle that the adrenaline really got her off to a good start. But on the way down she had enough. She finally sat down and would not move any farther. "Mom, can we just take a little rest?" she pleaded. I think that it might have been overkill that day for her because ever since she has no desire to hike any mountain.

Bike Buddies

Just a cute picture. And once again one of the VERY few that they let me take of them together.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Not Fair!

I get to wake up every morning to these cuties. But don't worry Papi, they're just saving your spot for you. ;)
(Yes, DJ is eating in bed.)

Saturday, November 29, 2008


What's the rush? It's not like she'll be going to Kindergarten with it. So, I think we'll let her win this one for now.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Around our home the swords are it right now for both our boys and our girls. Of course if you saw how fun the boys make fighting with their swords look you'd want one too.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Memory Monday

Let's see. . .What were we doing two years ago this week? Oh yea, we were getting chased by paparazzi in Mexicali, Mexico. Okay so we weren't exactly running away but it felt weird when I noticed a guy with a camera and a super zoom lens spying on us. At least he finally asked if he could get a picture of all of us and he was nice enough to send us a copy of the one they published.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

They Did Good

Too cute! After practicing and practicing the kids finally knew their parts in the Primary Program and with a little bit of bribery I was hoping they would actually do them. Alexandria did wonderful, as always. AJ was sleeping next to me through the whole thing so he didn't get a chance to do anything. Right before DJ said his part he looked at me with a big smile and he knew he could do it. This was his first primary program and he was actually radiating confidence. This is huge for him because he NEVER, NEVER, NEVER (did I mention NEVER?) talks in front of people. His teacher went first and said AJ's line. And that's when the disaster began. It totally threw the little guy off because DJ had been practicing AJ's line with him too so he knew both lines. DJ went next. He started but then forgot his line and confused it with AJ's. Then he began to ask "Mommy how . . ." to know how his line starts and that's when he lost it. Dropped to the floor, embarrassed and would not get up. It took everything inside me to not run up there and help him say his line. He was so sure he could do it and to get confused at the last minute . . . well let's just say he was pretty disappointed. His teacher had to pick him up and carry him back to his seat. Then he sat in his teacher's arms, being so traumatized he just shut his eyes, wouldn't open them and then finally fell asleep. He did his best. And he took a big step. I'm totally proud of him. So how could I refuse? They're still getting their rewards. I'm such a softie.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cheese Please

Waiting for lunch . . .

Lunch took too long.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Here's some more pictures of Alexandria with her bangs. She's loving them and she seems so grown up. When do we get to stop time and enjoy our children for a minute?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Memory Monday

Did you have these growing up? Underoos! Superhero underwear. This is Janalyn, me and Heath. We had Spiderwoman and Spiderman, Superman and Wonderwoman. Those were good times.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


"Mom! Mom! Stuck! Mom!" I heard Isabel yelling from what used to be our pantry before we remodeled. (Now it will be food storage.) As I'm racing back there I'm trying to think of all the things that might have fallen on her that she could be stuck under. But instead I found this.

I guess it doesn't matter how hard we try our shelves just seems to get cluttered with somethings, or someones.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Memory Monday

Since we just had the boys birthdays I thought these pictures would be appropriate for this Monday. Weren't they cute? They each had their different look and personality from the beginning. I remember a few weeks after they were born holding one on my shoulder and one in my lap at home and thinking I must be the luckiest mom in the world to have two babies at the same time that are so sweet and that I love so much. It was one of those moments that I wanted to remember so I paused and engraved it in my memory. The rest of their infancy is a blur mostly because it was me and Alexandria (who was only two when they were born) that were taking care of them. And she was such a good helper. I know Heavenly Father sent her first for a reason. I need her. Papi left to go play baseball when they were just two weeks old. It had to be one of the hardest things he has ever done. So even though I don't remember much I am so thankful that I got to stay with them and that he would give up his time with them so he could provide for us. And I'm really thankful for that moment of brilliance that I had to pause and make a memory.

What's a Winner?

At a pre school evaluation for AJ today the therapist asked AJ, "A person who farms is a farmer. A person who teaches is a . . .?"

"Teacher," he answered correctly.

"Good AJ, now a person who drives is a . . .?"

"Driver!" (Score another one for this smarty.)

"Ok AJ, good, and a person who wins is a . . .?"


Papi would be so proud.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cut Back to Reality

I was on the verge of tears. We had just dropped Papi off at the airport (I know I should be used to it by now but it doesn't get any easier only harder). We were ready to pull away and Alexandria had moved up to the front seat by me. Before I pulled out I turned and looked at her and noticed a short piece of hair falling in her face.

FLASHBACK to this morning when Alexandria came in to let me know that she wanted bangs.

As I looked closer I began to pull out more short strands of hair. "Alexandria, did you CUT your hair?"

"What?" she asked. "I just want bangs like you. You look *cute* with bangs."

I hate my bangs so she's forgiven but she's still going to have to grow out her "bangs". To her credit she did cut them the right length.

And then it was back to reality, no time to cry over Papi leaving for the millionth time just back to life as we know it.

Indiana Jones and the Castle of Montezuma?

Okay so we didn't get chased by snakes or fall in spider pits but we still had a good time seeing some of the Native American sites in Arizona. Plus, we had our own private tour guide, an archeology expert, Uncle Chris. As Adam put it, it was like the Discovery Channel, LIVE.

Even in the middle of nowhere these boys can find something to make a sword out of.

And this picture makes me laugh every time I look at it because when AJ saw it he asked, "How did Grandma and Isabel get stuck in the rock?"

And by the way we did see some really cool Native American things I guess I just forgot to take pictures of those. I mean my kids were so much cuter. ;)

They're 4!!!

So these past few weeks have been SUPER busy at the Cesar house. We have three birthdays and Halloween all in 10 days of each other. Imagine the chaos well at least for Mom. For the kids it's all about the excitement. And do they ever get excited. . . .

I think everyday after Halloween AJ would wake up and ask, "Is it our birthday yet?" Finally, the day before their birthday he broke down crying, "It's just taking too long for our birthday to come." Their birthday was Thursday and Papi was coming on Friday but how could I drag it out any longer? The little guy had waited long enough. So we had their cake and presents on their birthday. Then after Papi got here we had a party at Jeepers with the family. It was Papi's idea to go do something since he was going to be here the day after their birthday to get his fingerprints for his citizenship application and he wanted to be around to celebrate too. Happy Birthday Boys!!! We Love You!!!!