Isabel was not happy all evening. She wasn't grumpy, she just didn't want to play. We drove to Papi's game and she just sat on my lap at the game. I thought maybe she was getting sick. After we went to eat. She wasn't happy eating either. It wasn't until we got back to the hotel that I realized that she wasn't moving her left arm. I tried to get her to reach for things but she would not move her arm and everytime you moved it for her she would scream. I knew what it was, "Nursemaids Elbow".
It happened to Alexandria and AJ when they were about this same age. Everyone should know you should never swing your kids, usually younger than 6, around by their hands, wrists or forearms. It can pull their elbows just enough that it moves the joint out of alignment and it's very painful for the child. Fixing it is easy though. I watched the Dr. do it to Alexandria and within 5 minutes she was better. It looked like all the Dr. did was twist her arm.
When I showed Dionys that Isabel wasn't moving her arm he knew right away when it happened. He was swinging her around earlier this afternoon. We decided to take Isabel to a clinic here. It was 1am so there was only one clinic open. We went. We saw a doctor. He said she's fine maybe just her ligaments were streched or something. He told us to give her some ibuprofen and see how she does. I had already done that! And then we had to pay $20 for the consultation. Are you kidding me? He didn't do anything!
I was kind of annoyed because I knew what she had and I saw how easy it was to fix. If only we were in the States. So we came back to the hotel and I looked online right away. Thanks to Google, Wikipedia and a picture of supination of the forearm Dr. Mommy fixed her. Yup, $20 please. All it took was a little turn and feeling the click. Within 5 minutes she was happy and smiling and using her arm.
7 years ago
OMG Ondira..... I have been there with Mason and yes it's so easy to fix. Mitchel did it to Mason. Mom's ALWAYS know best even more than the doctors. Always trust your self. Poor little thing. Well at least you know now so if it happens again no need to go to the doctors. Mitchel also put my elbow back in place when I completely dislocated it. So if that happens call me and I will tell you how to fix that too.
WAY to go SUPER MOM!!! We've never had that issue come up. Now I know what that is.
ohh we did that on Halloween. NO FUN! But the DR had to pull on her arm 6 times!!! It "popped" 2 times, it was out so bad. Good job on YOU doing it..that would be hard to do!
Nice job doc!
Adam just called and Fabi's water has broken. She is only at a 1 so they have some time yet. This means that I probably won't see you when you get home but I will be back for Christmas. I plan on leaving San Antonio tomorrow and will probably leave for SLC on Monday. We will keep you posted.
Love ya,
PS Great work Dr. Cesar :-)
Wow, Chris and I are totally impressed!!! That's awesome. And I second what Betsy said, Moms know best and doctors even in the States don't always figure things out too well.
I was also just making sure someone already blogged you with Adam and Fabi's news about the water breaking (at Applebee's I might add!). And Mom's on it!
See you guys soon!
Carter has arrived. Weighing in at 6# 3 ozs. Will send more info after church. Mom and Dad and baby are great.
Okay-details as I know them. May or may not be facts. ;-)
Carter was born around 4:30 a.m. (Adam has always been a morning person) He is 18 inches long, with curly black hair and fair skin tone. He has long skinny feet and toes like his dad and a cute face like his mother. Fabi sounded good but as you might expect a little tired mixed with great amazement and excitement.
We will be leaving here tonight and I will fly up there tomorrow. It will be good to have you home. I probably won't see you until Christmas Eve but if everything goes well it might be the 23rd.
Love ya,
Wow! I remember when that happened to Alexandria, I was so worried for her. She sounds like she is the only one that cried that much. That girl would not stop crying. Only made me feel worse. Well, now everyone knows where to take their kids to save some money after they dislocate their elbow. Love you! Can't wait to see you in a couple days. :)
Glad that she's ok!!
This happened to my niece, and the dr. just offered her a sucker and when she reached for it with that arm, it popped back in on it's own.
Love that the dr. didn't know what he was talking about!
You are such a great dr. mom!!
Ondria, I am proud of you. Now you know why Aunt Alyn dislikes Drs. There are times and places when a good Dr is needed but not always. Way to go girl on your research!!
Hi again, I have read all the blog that i could find. I sure am proud of how you handled those mean ladies(I can think of a better word LOL) that yelled at you way back there. I think you made some excellent choices of how to handle it, even when you yelled back. Once in awhile, you lose it but then, you know what happened next wasn't near as fun as when you kept your cool, huh! You are great and I love you all lots! Love the pictures too.
Aunty A
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