When I was growing up our best discussions always came around the dinner table. Even if you didn't agree with the arguments being presented it was always entertaining. It's so much fun to watch the same thing happening in my own home now with my own kids (except they're not debating). We had such a fun dinner discussion that I had to take a picture to remember how cute they were. Every night at dinner we have each child say something that they are thankful for. I can't take any credit for this idea but the kids love it. Alexandria was thankful that I jumped on the trampoline with them before dinner and Isabel agreed. AJ was thankful that they got new reverent treats today after church. DJ was thankful that we have Chloe and the chickens. Then the conversation progressed and DJ was talking about the beast in Sandlot. Isabel was talking about the scary parts in movies and how she covers her eyes with her backpack. Then DJ made fun of AJ, all in good humor, because he covered his eyes with his blanket. They were just so cute I couldn't soak it in enough.
It's moments like this when I really miss Papi because I have no one that will laugh with me and enjoy just how fun our children really are. I get to be here and see this and it makes me cry to think that Papi misses out on all of the fun daily discussions. When will he get the chance to know our children like I do? I've said it before but I really do have the easier job in our marriage and I am so thankful for all that he sacrifices for us.
Oops! I just wanted to post about how fun dinner was tonight but I guess I took it a step farther. Oh well count it as a bonus, two posts in one. ;)
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