Saturday, June 6, 2009

You Catch It You Eat It

Have you seen these?

If you're from the East you probably call them "crayfish". If you're from the West they're "crawdads". And if you live in the South you call them "crawfish". Whatever you call them we fished ourselves some out of the creek today and the kids loved it. And believe it or not they even ate them. No thanks to this momma though. They have a great Aunt and Uncle (or actually first cousin once removed and his wife but whose keeping track?) who help them with those things.

Here are the kids thinking they're going to catch some food with those sticks. It's not going to well until . . .

this girl gets an idea. And with the help of Clint who attaches chicken liver in cheese cloth to the end of her stick she finally catches her dinner.

And DJ got some too.

1 comment:

Jen and Nate said...

So where is the picture of you eating the crawdad? (I'm from the west) We have caught them with chicken bones before.