Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Magical Foods

I have a very smart little boy with a very bad streak of luck. First he cuts off his finger and now we just learned he's got 10 teeth that will need dental work. Poor kid! None of my other children had anything wrong with their teeth just him.

While running errands in Phoenix, DJ noticed the street we were on was the same one we take to go to the zoo. I complemented him on his great observation skills and asked him how he got so smart. "Because," he said, "I eat my beans." In our family carrots make you see really good, green beans make your hair grow long, salad makes you run fast, chicken makes you strong and beans make you smart. Now if I could only find a food that gives you good luck we may be on to something.

1 comment:

Megan said...

That's so sweat, we keep trying the whole veggies will make your muscles big but it's not working well. What happened to his finger?