Tuesday, February 12, 2013

6 Weeks

We are making one spoiled little girl.
She is always being held so she always wants to be held.
It's my fault, really.
I can't put her down.
I just don't want this time to go by too fast.
And it is going by FAST!
But our spoiling is making for an unhappy baby. 
We don't see very much of this.

That's as close as we've gotten to a smile while she's awake.
But instead we see a lot more of this.

She's always ready to cry on a moment's notice.
So although it's hard, I'm giving in.
I'm reluctantly laying her down for her naps
and making sure she sleeps enough.
I think it's working.
Plus, bonus! I now have time to take more pictures and blog!
Win - Win!!

1 comment:

Kristine said...

I love her Pink shirt, she makes it look great!