Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring Break - Friday

It's SNOWING!!!!!

What a fun surprise to wake up and see snow! We were excited to get out soak up some of the cold white flakes. I don't think anyone was planning on the spring snow storm that was in Mother Nature's plans. 
Since Papi's dad and brother work at Olive Garden in Times Square, we thought we should drop in and eat. They hooked us up with an awesome view and a small family discount. 

Then it was off to the Upper East Side to see the Met. Do I sound like a New Yorker yet? ;) After transferring trains in Grand Central Station we walked out to see that the snow beginning to pile up. A small loud snowball fight may have began which I'm sure made doormen and residents of Carnegie Hill roll their eyes. Well, maybe not the doormen. 

Finally we made it to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. WOW! Did you see the architecture? Amazing! I could have spent all day here. My kids though we're going crazy to get back out in the snow. And they immediately thought their mom was crazy for taking them here when we got off the elevator and walked into the Greek and Roman art, aka naked statues. 

Not a good first impression. But after dragging them around to see the Picassos, Klees, Mondrions, and Rockwells, American, Native American Art and the armor they couldn't handle another minute of being indoors.

So I had to skip the European art floor that I really wanted to see so we could play in the snow. I guess now I have a good reason to go back. And next time I'll go by myself and plan a whole day there. It is huge and there is that much to see. 

We snowball fought and snow angeled all the way through Central Park to catch the #1 Uptown train. 

The recently fallen untouched snow combined with the sounds of my children laughing and the sight of their smiling faces was the best art there is. 

We may look like like we are freezing but I don't think anyone felt the cold because of how much fun they were having. After making our tracks in the snow in Central Patk we slipped and slid our way through the streets of New York, knocking off ice sickles and jumping over large puddles sometimes not so successfully. By the time we made it to the train we were soaked, coats, boots, hats, gloves and scarfs.  And Stella was turning into Olaf's girlfriend. 

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