Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hats, Hats, Hats

They love their hats. Eversince they started watching Everyone's Hero all the time they've been wearing their hats constantly. For those who don't know Everyone's Hero, it's a little kids movie about a little boy and baseball. It was directed by Christopher Reeves, Superman. It's cute and they love it. Luckily, they don't wear them to church but, they put them on as soon as we get home.
The boys are fun. Always something going on. They are either playing baseball or getting into something. Everything becomes either a bat or a ball in our house. The remote control is a bat. Alexandria's lip gloss is a ball. A spoon? No a bat. Grapes? No, balls. They have their real bats and balls but Mom likes to keep those outside. And even in the hot 100 degree weather our boys will go outside and play ball. Papi couldn't be more proud.
Then there's the messes. The other day Dionys went to go pour himself a bowl of cereal. He picked up the box and it was heavy. DJ had poured the gallon of milk into the cereal box and was eating it out of the box. We found the spoon in the box too. It's always fun with them around.


Heath said...

Looks like their Uncle Heath is going to have to introduce them to the wonderful 'real' sport of football!

Janalyn said...

I'm glad they're my nephews they're so cute!!!
I also love that our girls are both friends (even if the younger two can't exactly show it yet) :)