Monday, September 7, 2009

Didn't See It Coming

If you're four and you have a dad that plays baseball professionally and he's been teaching you how to hit a pitch your swing can be dangerous. You might even hit the pitcher in the mouth with a hard hit ball.

Just for the record Papi has never got hit in the mouth by a ball before and he's been playing since he was four. This is just another reason why Papi thinks he deserves 20% of their signing bonus.

Oh, and Papi will be offering baseball clinics while he's home. If he could teach a four year old to do this think of how he could help your teenager.


Whitney said...

This is awesome! Sorry Dionys that's got to hurt, but I guess you have to be proud of your boy. He's going to be a home run hitter.

Lisa said...

I so wish we lived closer so Kyle could get some of Dionys advice on baseball.. Hope the lip gets better..

Janalyn said...

That's so great. Congratulations Dionys on having such a great baseball player. I'm glad he let you take a picture Ondria!