Friday, July 23, 2010

Maybe . . .

Maybe it's the sweet smell of jasmine, magnolias and other flowers that fill the air as you walk by. . .

Maybe it's the yummy food and exotic restaurants. . .

Maybe it's the kids having soooooo much fun with their Papi . . .

Maybe it's the cleanliness of the streets, people taking care of their neighborhood, even the construction is all wrapped up nice . . .

Maybe it's the cool tunnels we get to walk under . . .

Maybe it's how elegant the Japanese look in their kimonos . . .

Maybe it's the taxi's with their white laced interiors, white gloved drivers asking directions in Japanese, "migi deska?"  . . .

Maybe it's the honesty and respect from the Japanese people and knowing that you can walk away from your laptop, leaving it in a public area, go outside for a break and know that it will still be there untouched when you come back . . .

Maybe it's the lights and the excitement of the city. . .

Maybe it's the asian architecture . . .

Maybe it's that the kids can go to the park and play everyday, whenever they want by themselves if they want . . .

Maybe it's the happy Buddah . . .

Maybe it's the pristine condition of the plants and patios on the front door steps of every home . . .

Maybe it's the rich history that dates back thousands of years that we didn't learn anything about in our European centered history classes . . .

Maybe it's the anime art or the cool murals on the side of the buildings . . .

Maybe it's the artistry of reading and writing kanji . . .

Maybe it's the fun shopping centers where all the big haired, brightly make-uped, crazy dressed people hang out . . .

Maybe it's the energy of the baseball games and the cleanliness of Nagoya Dome . . .

Maybe it's that we were here during the rainy season and rainy, cloudy days are my favorite . . .

Or maybe it's that we can do this whenever we want . . . I'll miss this. I'll miss him.

Whatever the reason, I'm not ready to leave Japan.

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