Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Did It!!

Thank you Katy for putting this on your blog so I knew how to do it. I got it a few weeks ago I just haven't got around to posting about it yet. But I'm so excited. I figured I'll do it every year on my blog anniversary. Knowing that I can make a book out of my blog makes it so much easier to blog. I'm not a scrap booking kind of gal unfortunately so this is great! To make your own go here.

Here's a peek inside. If you want to see the whole thing you'll have to come visit. :) Or you could just review my blog but that would definately not be as fun.

And here's where it sits now on the bookshelf to look at anytime.


Rasmussen Family said...

I can't wait until I finally have enough posts to put a book together too. I love your cover!

Kasey said...

How fun! Once upon a time I started to do it, then I got distracted and haven't looked back since! I'm gonna look into it again.