We have LOVED our garden. It's a little overgrown with weeds, okay a lot overgrown, but the veggies still grow and we are taking advantage of every last broccoli floret and green onion stalk available. It's great to look out the kitchen window and see the kids out in the garden picking red ripe tomatoes and green peas right off the vines and popping them in their mouths, no chemicals that need to be washed off, no germs from being handled by other people just yummy home grown food. Alexandria brought in this harvest for us today. So for lunch we had a lettuce, spinach, broccoli, green onion, cilantro, cherry tomato salad mixed with some chicken - apple salad, using the chicken bottled by yours truly. It was delicious! The kids gobbled it all up, ALL of it right down to the last cherry tomato seed. And I was satisfied knowing that if there was a food shortage we could at least have one meal covered.
7 years ago
Those spinach leaves look fabulous. Do you remember what type you planted?
good for you...if I TRIED to get my kids to eat ANY of those things I would be punched (ok not really..ha..) but really, that is so good. Why do I have picky eaters?? I swear I made them eat everything when they were littler...where did I go wrong???!!!
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