Friday, September 12, 2008

More Updates

Our computer cabinet has been wrapped in plastic and taped off so I didn't post updates but here's the latest.

Yesterday we had some issues with the fireplace. It wasn't going to hold a TV even after I told the framers over and over that we would be hanging a TV on that wall. And there was no room for AV equipment. So we had to tear down the newly framed wall and start over.

There, that's better. AV conduits in place and studs to hang the TV nailed in.

Tearing down the beautiful (said sarcastically) popcorn ceiling. (YUCK!)

Fireplace sheetrocked.

Oh, yes and I even got to blow the insulation back into the attic. Why did I have to do that? Well, that's a whole other post in itself.

Then there's the kids and the dog. What do they do while we're hard at work? Well Chloe likes to roll in the plaster.
And the kids dump all the toys all over. Great FUN!


Shanell said...

Oh man, first, let me start with that {take my breath away} family picture. BeAuTiFuL!
And now, to the project, it is looking so good! What a change. I love it! Can't wait to keep checking in on the progress. Fun!

kellyanddanielle said...

how fun. you are going to LOVE it. and kids love to play while mom and dad are busy. that's the funnest time i think they have. i love the blog and keep us updated. i love to see your progress. love you.