Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saying Goodbye

I keep looking at our blog, hoping that a post will just write itself. But it's not happening so I guess I'll have to write one. It was a hard day. Papi left for the season. The season goes through August with no breaks. Sometimes it's harder to say goodbye than others. This time it was hard. Isabel was precious. She grabbed on to her Papi and would not let go. "Me go with Papi," she demanded and she knows how to demand. The other kids managed to turn the movie off long enough to say goodbye, trying to hide their feelings by getting lost in Lady and the Tramp. After tearing Isabel out of Papi's arms he got in his car and the kids all ran out to wave goodbye as he pulled out of the driveway. He stopped just after he pulled out. I went to tell him how thankful we are for all that he does and that I'm so sorry that he has to leave. He told me to please take good care of the kids. There were lots of tears and then he was gone. It's not fair. He loves these kids so much that he has to leave them to take care of them, to make sure that they have everything that he never had. It's not right that he doesn't get to be here to tuck them in at night or play hide and go seek with them right before it's time for bed. Everything he does is for them and he doesn't even get to see them grow up. Although the plan is to go with him in the summer, I'm always hesitant to actually "plan" on it because with baseball things always change and you kind of learn to just wait for the pitch before you swing. So we wait and see. Now I know why this post wasn't magically writing itself. I needed to write it. I needed to get it out before I went to bed. This was my therapy. Thanks if you held in there with me. I promise not to complain as much in the next posts. Now go kiss your hubby and tell him how much you love him.
**Edit**This morning we woke up and Isabel asked for Papi. Alexandria told her he went to go play baseball. Isabel then let us know, "me love Papi".


Kasey said...

You are such an amazing mother! I know how hard it can be with a husband who is home every night. Stay stong. I hope it goes by fast for you guys!

Janalyn said...

There was hardly a complaint in that post anywhere. I think I've only heard you complain maybe a handful of times at the very most. I think you do an absolutely fabulous job.
You guys have wonderful kids who we should have over more often, because Chris and I were commenting on how well-behaved and fun they all are. (Don't worry, Chris didn't see the leaving incident. :))
I'm thinking you and I must be incapable of complaining very well - is that a blessing or a curse?

onehm said...

What a beautiful post! :) You guys are GREAT parents! I'm so impressed with all that you BOTH do to give your kids what they need!