Friday, January 3, 2014

Cooking Calamity

Alexandria is my foodie.
She makes her own salads and eggs really well.
So I thought she would have no problem when she asked if she could make peppermint bark.
"Sure," I told her, "I'll even let you do it all by yourself."
I thought she could handle it.  She's old enough to read a follow a recipe.
But something went totally wrong!
It ended up just a little blob in the big pan.
Funny thing was, I knew how she felt because the exact same thing happened to me when I was her age.  My cooking calamity was cheesecake that turned into a little blob in the pan.
They say history repeats itself.
And its happening!
I'm so not looking forward to her teenage years.

1 comment:

Janalyn said...

Maya was laughing her head off! She loves the cheesecake story. Sophie says, "please do that again, love Sophie".