Wednesday, January 15, 2014

There Are Signs Everywhere

Hi Mikey!  It's your birthday today.  We went to go visit your spot in the cemetery. 
We brought a few new toys for you and made your spot shine.
Remember this cake?  I kept it in the freezer all year just so we could enjoy it again for your two year old birthday. It's hard to say "two year old birthday" because it brings images of a little 2 year old boy that should be toddling around our home carrying a plastic bat in one hand and a ball in the other or running down the hall zooming by us with a toy helicopter.  But you're not here doing that.  You are doing more important things.  We tried to do some of that important work here for your birthday too.
So since we can't pick you up and love you we sent you a balloon with our love on it, just like last year.

And just like last year you delivered.  This time it was two helicopters doing a low fly over just as we were ready to pack up and leave.  There wasn't another funeral going on, no reason for the fly over just a sign that you were happy and you wanted us to be happy too.  I got your message, two helicopters because you would be turning two.
And when DJ asked what does the helicopters mean I just replied, "it means Mikey likes helicopters." I think he liked that answer.

Happy Birthday Mikey!
We love you!

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