Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mother's Day with Bang

It was the perfect Mother's Day morning.  My kids had made me a delicious breakfast in bed with scrambled eggs from our chickens, a cranberry, strawberry and banana smoothie and a multi grain piece of toast.  The kids had given me their presents they made in school and then they showed me my present that Papi got me the night before out on the patio, a brand new bike with a trailer for the baby.  Excellent!  We were figuring out where to ride to on that beautiful Sunday morning when I hear a BANG! CRASH! SHATTER! 
Yup, I was lucky enough to get two presents on Mother's Day.  A new bike and a new window?!?  Actually, it's been a few weeks and we still have designer zebra duct tape over that hole decorating our front window with no plans of fixing it in the near future.  DJ swore the rock bounced when he threw the rock at the ground trying to break it open, and instead broke open our window.  I'm not totally convinced. 

Then there's my mom who instead of me buying her a present on Mother's Day she buys me one, soft matching pajamas.  She's the best!  She makes up for my broken window.
I was so excited about my new bike that we rode over 3 miles on Sunday and on Monday I took Stella for a ride to go see Mikey so he could wish me a Happy Mother's Day too.

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