Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Rap Music

"I have a little girl.  The best in the world. She knows what to do.  She knows who to be.  I'm proud to be her mommy."  - Rapped by Ondria
Sometimes we get blessings and we have no idea what we did to deserve them.  Alexandria is one of my blessings.  She turned 12 in January and has been begging me to take her to do baptisms for the dead.  She finally got to go but not with me. Mommy fail!  The young women in our ward went last week.  She was super excited.  I made a lame attempt to make up for not taking her for her first time by getting her a new skirt for the occasion.  I'm resolving to taking her before school gets out.
I don't worry about Alexandria.  She usually makes good choices. I never have to explain right and wrong to her. She just gets it.  She was born that way.  I don't know how.  I'm pretty sure she didn't get that trait from me or Papi.  Just saying.  For example, we both got down with Snoop and Dr. Dre 20 years ago.  Rap music, it was cool.  Alexandria's opinion of rap? "I don't like rap. It's just a bunch of bad words in disguise."  I surrender, she's right! Good thing I left my old school rap music out of the iTunes library. I love you Alexandria!  Thanks for being an awesome example!

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