Monday, August 11, 2008

But it doesn't get any cuter!

Okay, so maybe the waking up thing is awful (seriously it really puts a damper on the WHOLE day, way too scheduled) but it doesn't get any cuter than this.

She was so excited for her 1st day of 1st grade. I'm glad she woke up happy because she wasn't looking forward to waking up early either. I missed the picture in the morning but if she comes home and still looks this happy I think that's a good sign that things went well at school today and maybe it wasn't too long of a day for her.


Kasey said...

I hear you about the waking up thing! Yesterday we were 1/2 hour late. Oops! Today we were treading water. Todd is not a get up and go kind of kind and I'm not a get up and go kind of mom. So, it's takes us extra long. Plus he doesn' eat right when he wakes up and it's been hard for me to try to get him to eat before school. ERGH! I could so do without school. i'm thinking Franklin next year. They start at 8:30. That's much better than 7:55. No by much, but enough to make my morning not so hectic. Good luck!

De Ette said...

Alexandria you look so cute in your new school clothes!! What an awesome first grader you will be. I love your smile.
Love, Grandma