Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Bird Rescue

Our dog, Chloe, loves to catch and eat the birds in our back yard.
I encourage her.
Birds eat our garden.
Birds eat our chicken's food.
Birds eat our dog's food.
But then they become her food.
Except for today.

Often we find half eaten birds that have gotten stuck in the net.
It's not pretty.
This bird got lucky.
DJ found it before Chloe did.

DJ has a soft spot in his heart for any animal, even birds.
He actually asked me one day, "How come I wasn't born as a bird?"
So, he got it some water.
Little birdie drank, a lot.
Then DJ asked me to help him get it untangled from the net.

I hate birds.
But I love DJ.
So instead of sending Chloe
I helped him.

Although I did whisper to the bird before I let it go,
"stay away or next time I'll let the dog play".

(Loving crackle nail polish right now.)

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