Friday, May 15, 2015

A Resemblance

Sometimes AJ can be the sweet big brother and read to his little sister.  Stella loves being read to and will ask everyone in the family to read to her until someone finally does. I love mornings when we have enough time to enjoy the sweet moments like this.

But it must be the end of the school year because we are staying up later and sleeping in longer, leaving little time to enjoy anything at all.  We may have slept in a little too long this morning because we didn't even have time to do lunches before school.  Lucky for my kids I was planning on going to the school to pick up the Art Masterpiece prints anyway so Stella and I hand delivered their lunches to them.

It was pretty adorable when Stella saw AJ coming in his line with his class and ran to him carrying his lunchbox. Even more adorable was the hug that AJ gave her after she passed him his box full of food.  AJ came home from school telling me all about how everyone in his class kept saying how cute Stella was.  One boy even said he wanted to come play at AJ's just so he could see his baby sister again.  AJ had me laughing when he told me what he said back to the "your sister is so cute" comment.  His reply, "Ya, don't you see the resemblance?"

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