Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Dance and a Testimony

Can you believe she's mine?
Neither can I.
How did I get such a gorgeous girl?
She had dance pictures today, then didn't have dance pictures.
Are all dance studios this unorganized?
And can I just freeze her at this age?
A few weeks ago while working on her Faith in God, a program for the children in church to help them set spiritual goals, she had to write her testimony.  She worked on it for a while then brought it in for me to read.  It was beautiful! A perfect child's testimony.  After telling her how proud I was of her she answered me, "Ya, you don't know how much you know until you write it down." So true Isabel! That is one reason why I love to journal and blog.  You are one sweet, smart girl and I hope you will always know that.  If not then write it down!

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