Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Stella Post

She's at that age where she does so many cute and silly things that you just want to document every moment of her life.  

Like when she keeps getting her sister's pointe shoes out and wearing them around the house because her big sister is teaching her to dance and she really wants to be like her big sis.
 Or how every single time we go to the gym she makes me take a picture of her on the bike rack.  I have a ton of these pictures.  I may end up having to make her a bike rack picture book.
 And the times when she falls asleep in my arms reading Bible stories before her naps.
 She's figured out how to move the stools so now she loves to "help mommy" by eating the fruit I'm chopping up, trying to wash dishes or buttering her own toast. Yes, that 1/2 inch layer on that piece of bread is butter.
 If she can't wear the pointe shoes she goes for her brother's football cleats.  She may have a small shoe obsession.
 DJ's going to hate me for adding this picture but she has the best time playing animals with him in the bathtub, all DJ's idea.
 Since all of the kids are at school during the day, Stella is figuring out how to read books on her own.
 Then yesterday it rained.  She got her own umbrella and had a blast in the water.

It truly is magical age for her.  I feel like they grow up a ton between 2 and 2 1/2. She's becoming a lot more independent even picking out her own clothes, diapers and trying to use the potty. If she's hungry she opens the fruit drawer and chows on an apple then puts it back half eaten.  That drives AJ crazy. I just use the half eaten apples in juice and smile thankful for the two year old and the ten year old that both appreciate apples.

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