Thursday, January 15, 2009

Papi and Me

I got tagged!
Papi and Me
1) Where did you meet? I always tell people we met in Scottsdale and that his friend introduced us, all true. End of story. But it's been almost 15 years ago, so I think it's time to come out with the whole truth. We met at a drag queen club after hours. Is that bad? His friend grabbed me and said his friend wanted to meet me and he introduced us. I thought it was kind of fun having to talk to him in Spanish because I had high school level Spanish and thought I could speak it. Basically we communicated through other means.

2) How long till you got married? 3 years and 9 months later almost to the day.

3) How long have you been married? 10 years in March

4) Your favorite feature of his? His MUSCLES, biceps, triceps, delts, oooh . . . I just want to eat them up.
5) Your favorite quality of his? His total willingness to sacrifice seeing our children grow up just so he can provide us with everything we need.

6) Does he have a nickname for you? When we first started hanging out I was "la mormona". We still have some friends that only know me by that name. But now I'm "mami" (said mommy).
7) His favorite foods? Rice, rice, chicken, oh and rice.
8) What are his favorite sports to watch? duh!
9) When was your first kiss? June 1995
10) Whats your favorite thing to do as a couple? Umm . . .maybe we'll skip this one I mean do you really want me to go there?
11) Do you have kids? This only confirms my answer to the previous question, 4 in 5 years.
12) Does he have a hidden talent? He's so good at using what he has to make or fix anything. I'm sure there's a word for this I just don't have that big of a vocabulary. He replaced a toilet with only a screwdriver.

13) How old is he? A few years older than me. But like I'm going to tell you how old we are. I already came clean about where we met.
14) Who said I love you first? HE DID!
15) What do you admire most about him? How far he's come. He grew up in the Dominican Republic in the sugar cane fields. He carried a machete to school so he could eat sugar cane for breakfast along the way because that's all there was. He used to play baseball using the rubber flaps off of big truck tires for a glove. They made there own baseballs out of whatever they had around. And now here he is supporting a family of 6. We have two cars and nice house. He's come so far and that is what I most admire about him, his ability to succeed even when all odds were stacked against him.
16) What is his favorite type of music? I'd have to say the older merengue, not the new merengue house stuff but the good classics. And he likes country. :) What latin do you know that likes country?
17) Do you think he will read this? No, he doesn't read the blog. He just looks at the pictures. I usually tell him everthing that's going on anyway.

18) I tag: Anyone who is as in love with their man as I am with mine.


onehm said...

This is SO SWEET and so much fun to read!! You are super funny, Ondria! :) And I'm really impressed with Papi's accomlishments. Totally Awesome!

Lisa Langford said...

1st off-i am impressed that you remember the date of your first kiss after so many years. 2nd- it never dawned on me how far Dionys has come in his life, because, our lifestyle here is so normal to me. But to him, he is living the dream. Good job Dionys. Thanks for taking such good care of my girl.

Adam Snell said...

I'm pretty sure I see a couple of wrenches in that toilet fixing picture... But we're all glad you married him too.

Ondriawfd said...

Adam - the wrenches are out because he had to pull them out of the tool box to get to the screwdriver. Don't be fooled by the picture. ;)

De Ette said...

I wish I had a blog and your gift of words and humor. I would love to do this for Dad. I was laughing and crying with emotion as I read this. I do have to add you guys know how to make wonderful grandchildren. :-)

Kasey said...

Love it! Dirty little secrets are the best! It still amazes me that you guys were able to get together and work things out with the language barrier. That is true love!