Tuesday, May 4, 2010

So Much to Tell

Really there is so much I want to tell but I don't want to bore you with details.  So here's the highlights.

1. 11 hours on a plane is LONG!
2.  Old mean men don't like to have their seat kicked and will yell at your 8 year old daughter for no reason when she is sitting quietly and playing her DS.
3.  The Japanese airline employee BOWED to me after helping us with our boarding passes.
4.  Japanese people have a quirky sense of style.
5.  Complete exhaustion works great when dealing with jet lag.
6.  Downtown Nagoya feels like New York City but with bikers.
7.  Our kids can use chop sticks successfully.
8.  We lost Isabel's jacket in the grocery store but someone had put it on the carts so we would find it on our way out.  I guess nothing gets stolen in Japan.

More to come!!!

1 comment:

Janalyn said...

Let me guess, the mean old man was an American. It doesn't seem to fit in with the nice jacket and employee culture.
Good job with the chopsticks Cesars- Chris will be impressed!