Saturday, May 22, 2010

Whole Foods Cooking 101

There is nothing like shopping in a store where you can't read any of the labels to make you only buy what you know for sure is real food.

See.  I can't read it either.  I guessed right on the bag of sugar though.  It was sugar.  I'm not a whole foods freak but I do read labels and anything with high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils can stay there and rot, or not rot because of the high levels of MSG, on the grocery store shelf.  So to say I'm going crazy not knowing what is in my food here is an understatement.  What if I get something diet with aspartame or something poisonous like that?  So I'm sticking to what I can see and I know have no nasty additives.

Real food!  No ingredient labels on these delectable grocery items.  And I'm even experimenting with some Japanese cuisine using items that I know will not hurt me or my priceless children.

Noodle soup!  All natural, well except for the buillon cube.  And it got rave reviews.


Fabiane Snell said...

yummm those noodles actually look very yummy!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow....That looks great.....can't wait to try it!!!!!
Love, Aunt Kristine