Friday, March 7, 2008

Dirty Diaper Talk

So I was putting the boys down to bed when the following conversation took place (before you read it you need to know that my boys wear diapers to bed because I'm not ready to deal with washing sheets every day yet):

Me: DJ get in bed.

DJ: Oh, wait, I have poo-poos in my diaper. Dang it!

Me: DJ . . . .

DJ: Yeah Mommy, just dang it! Dang it!

Me: Okay, come get your diaper changed. (I leave the room to get the wipes and AJ and DJ have the following exchange.)

AJ: DJ why you go poo-poos in your diaper? That doesn't make Mommy very happy.

DJ: Shhh AJ! Isabel's sleeping.

Okay maybe you had to be there to really enjoy the whole conversation but it was pretty funny the way DJ said "dang it" and the little conversation after I left to get the wipes. I was pretty mad about having to change his diaper but good thing I had to walk out of the room to get the wipes because I had to laugh.


Lacey said...

There or not, that was pretty funny! I love listening to kids when they think you are not. LOL! Hey to answer your question "where I teach". Well at the moment we live in New Mexico and have for the last 2 years. However, we are moving back to Mesa this summer some time. I plan on teaching there somewhere too. My sis-in-law, Hillary, and I are starting a home based dance/tumbling studio and I hope to teach a few times a week there too. So there will be lots of options to take one of my classes. I would love you too, you could probably teach me a thing or two. Anyways, so if you or anyone you know is interested in putting their kids in dance or tumbling we would love to have them part of our group.

Shanell said...

Kids are too cute. Those two boys are so fun. I can totally appreciate the little conversation. It never is dull with cute kids.