Saturday, March 29, 2008

Little Nudist

Heath and Chelsea it must be something in the air. We got home from the gym. I went to take my shoes off and when I came back out this is what I saw. . . At least it was in our own backyard. But it took me that long to get my shoes off. How the heck did he get all his clothes off that fast?


Whitney said...

How did you censor it, you are quite the little computer girl these days. I remember when you first set up myspace and didn't really know how to use it. You've come so far. :) love you, and your naked boy.

kellyanddanielle said...

how cute. i think it's just that kids like to go free and wild. it is amazing how fast they can do things hu? love you

Katy said...

How did I miss this post!!? That is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time! Now if only they could be just as quick getting dressed...

Chelsea said...

That is seriously hilarious! We might have some interesting times when we come to visit in a couple of weeks!