Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!!!

It started Saturday morning with the Easter egg hunt in the park. The kids found a few eggs but I think the most exciting part was Uncle Chris finding a ladybug. They had to all take turns holding it until it finally flew away.

Then we headed home to color our own Easter eggs. DJ loved it so much that he kept putting all the eggs that were already colored back in a different color. So all our eggs ended up a nice purple color. Good thing there were only three colors to use, blue, pink and yellow.

That night we went to the Easter Pageant. DJ wanted to be Jesus and AJ wanted to be the bad guys. Then they both decided to be the bad guys because they have swords and Papi would be Jesus.

And the next morning was Easter, lots of candy, a few toys, and more candy. They were so wired we didn't make it to Sacrament Meeting. I wasn't even going to attempt it. So I think maybe next year the Easter Bunny will come while we're at church. Then we can actually make it to church on Easter Sunday.

One good thing did come of us missing the first hour of church though. The kids actually let me take some really cute pictures of them in their cute Easter clothes.

After church we headed over to Grandma's for Easter dinner. YUM! And we also had another Easter egg hunt. This time they were able to find a lot more eggs. That was it for our Easter. Hope you all had a Happy Easter!


Lisa said...

Your kids are so cute. I love your girls dresses. I am glad you guys had a good Easter.

Whitney said...

Ondria, your kids are very cute. By the way, I don't have any deep dark secrets. --Juan

kellyanddanielle said...

you know, that is what we had to start doing. we have to leave our house at 8:25 to make it in time and with doing it first, there was no time to get ready and out the door in time. i feel like it really made easter about jesus. then they weren't just into what they got. love the walls in the background. you are quite the designer.

Lacey said...

The kids look adorable. Yeah I decided to stop putting so much candy in their baskets for my own sanity. This year they each got an outfit, an inexpensive toy, a toothbrush and a few pieces of candy. Much more pleasant for me, LOL!

Shanell said...

Love the matching dresses. I can't believe how fast these kids are growing.
BTW-any updates with the fire place?

Ondriawfd said...

Shanell - No, nothing with the fireplace yet. I'm still trying to decide. I'll keep you posted.